The Sweet Talk Project (Final Year Honours Project)


The aim of the project was to create a dynamic, interactive and factual website for educating, motivating and improving awareness about the importance of healthy eating and diet for teenagers with Type 1 diabetes.

With the aid of teenagers from across Tayside, a user-centered approach with continuous evaluation was adopted for this project to ensure the final outcome satisfied the needs of both the clients (staff from the NHS Tayside Paediatric Diabetes Team) and the teenagers. The evaluations demonstrated that the final website was of significant value, with the users reporting that they would visit it regularly once the website was live. Additionally, the design and implementation of the project allows the clients to manage and maintain the website beyond the lifetime of the project. The development is currently being finalised in order for it to be available on SCI-DC (Scottish Care Information - Diabetes Collaboration), a large portal which aims to deliver effective information technology solutions to diabetes services in NHS Scotland.

Project Details

Notable Features